Monday, December 29, 2008

The Year is Ending

It has been a while since either of us have posted here, and I will begin by insisting that I have followed through on my recent postings, at least to some extent. Dee promised to post more frequently about the sex side of our lives, and I promised to provide some material for revelation. Now, while our nights haven’t been torrid and tawdry on a daily (or nightly) basis, I swear… I HAVE given Dee some material to work with! It just hasn’t shown up here.

(In Dee’s defense, she usually writes her posts at work, and between the snow days, closed offices, holidays, and the fact that on a couple occasions the kiddo was at work with her, looking over her shoulder… but there have been occasions where time was available!)

As for me, now that I’ve delivered on my Christmas Gift promise, and we’ve successfully navigated the bulk of the holiday season, I’ve started turning my attention towards the new year, and what the future may bring. As far as I'm concerned, 2008 was a year to remember – and not in a good way. Whatever the critics say, 2009 has got to be better!

I’m not a New Year’s resolutions fanatic, but I do make a list in my head of things I want to accomplish. However, that list is typically more of a “big-ticket chores I’d like to get done” thing, rather than a set of resolutions – stuff like finishing the landscaping, or installing crown molding. On any given year, my success in accomplishing these goals is always pretty spotty, perhaps 50-50 (I did finish the landscaping, but the crown molding has been on the list for five years now). Every year the list seems to get longer, rather than shorter.

This year, many of the items I’ve thought about adding actually do have more of a “resolutions” flair and feel to them – things like renewing the dare game between Dee and I, getting into the online thing (blogging, etc.), and the like. Now I find myself wondering: should I compile a full list – a list that is certain to be overwhelming, and one which I have no hope of completing – and just make the best of it, or should I pick out a few and really focus my attention on those alone? And, if the latter, which ones should I chose?

If I’m going to do the New Year’s resolution thing (in some form), I’ve only got a couple days left to decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol your like me I can't make up my mind if I even want to have a new Year resolution .
Good to see you back though