Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Commandments

While browsing some new blogs in search of the interesting and new, I came across one post I found particularly interesting… a list of “commandments” the poster claimed to live her life by. Thinking this a great idea, I picked a couple of my favorites, and made a few modifications (making it gender neutral, shortening the paragraphs, that kind of thing) so I could share them here:

First, be satisfied with who you are. Love what you got. There will always be those who look better than you, and those who don’t. Be proud of your body, and flaunt your assets. Enjoy who you are in every sense (physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.). If you're attracted to yourself, others will be more likely to find you attractive.

Second, live without fear or regret. Don’t let fear, or shyness, or inhibitions stop you from trying something that interests you, or experiencing something that you believe might turn you on. And whether you like it or not, no matter what the consequences, never regret having dared to chase your desires.

Third, love to fuck. Don’t be ashamed of your sexuality. Let the world know how much you love it. Do it whenever the opportunity arises, and act like it’s the last chance you’ll ever have to do it. Enjoy the best time of your life, every time. Take it for all its worth and don’t hold back. Do what makes you feel good, and stay completely in the moment. If you want more or less of something, tell your partner. If your partner asks for something, make it happen. Fuck the shit out of your partner, beg your partner to fuck the hell out of you, and then fuck each other again, making it more wild and reckless than ever before.

Of course, I don’t live by these commandments, and I doubt there are many who could do so on a 24-7 basis. We all wish we could lose a few pounds, or be a little less inhibited, or whatever. Nobody is perfect.

But the commandments are worth reading nonetheless.

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