Friday, February 6, 2009

Heh Heh Heh

[Explainer: Dee is at work, and has just discovered she can no longer log on to the blog and post from there due to new Internet restrictions placed upon her, so she has asked me to cut and past her post out of an email and post it in her name. She didn't give me a title (Heh Heh Heh), and at this moment I'm trying hard to resist the urge to insert a few comments of my own... but I will overcome the temptation other than to say, after all these posts here on my own, I FINALLY got a rise out of her. :) ]

Ok, I know I don't post nearly often enough, and I know you're looking for juicy stuff, but I can't NOT post a reply to this one!

First of all, all of my friends are sick with jealously at how very much in love we still are, after all these years. We are so far from divorce it's like we're not even married. I swear, if I tell my peeps how cute my husband is one more time, I am frightened they won't be my peeps anymore! I get so many eyerolls, I am worried about their retinas. DH is so amazing, DH is so cute, DH is so sweet, DH is so sexy.

Second, I tell you so often how cute you are that you obviously don't even hear me anymore. Matthew McConaughey is gorgeous, yes, with those twinkly blue eyes that can smolder in an instance, the blindingly white smile, the dimples, the hair, the aw shucks demeanor. I mean, wow. What girl could resist that? Seriously, what girl? He's on like every woman I know's top 10 list. Bad grammar not withstanding.

AND...if I had the opportunity, I'm pretty sure I would fuck him a heartbeat.

BUT...if afterwards he said he couldn't live without me and wanted me to run away with him forever, I would have to break his heart. Because I can't live without you.

I think it's funny that if we see our mates through rose-colored glasses, we also see ourselves through circus fun house glasses. We are seriously our own worst enemy.

But, in my many years of experience, I have come to learn that gorgeous eyes aren't that great without intelligence behind them. And a beautiful smile is nothing without a sharp wit and sense of humour. Big bulging muscles are worthless unless they are being used to tenderly massage a sore back or carefully coax an orgasm. A loving, attentive, engaged, and thoughtful man will win out over movie star looks every time.

And it doesn't hurt to have the ability to make your wife melt with just the power of a kiss.

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