Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Worth the Effort?

Why is it that it is so hard to make time and expend effort on those things we most enjoy? Seriously...I can count at least 5 activities that I truly enjoy doing but that I purposely put off. Once I'm in the midst of the activities, I typically don't want to stop. It's just getting to the starting point that's a challenge.

Sadly, sex is at the top of that list.

DH pointed out that fatigue is the #1 hurdle to having fun. This is exactly what I'm talking about. We have gone through cycles of making the time and making the effort. We were on a streak for quite a while where we had sex every night (or day). For like three months! Every other day, we were each in charge of the activities. I think that neither of us want to let the other person down. Now, that wasn't the purpose, in fact the purpose was the exact opposite. It was supposed to be so that we each had an opportunity to demand what we wanted. But that's really not how it worked out. I find it interesting that we regularly retired to our bed a half hour earlier than normal to facilitate the extra activity. Now we don't do that as regularly.

Not to mention that to DH's annoyance, I have compiled quite a collection of toys and adult material that never gets used. There never seems to be a good time to pull it out for a little fun. And if there is a good time, I don't expend the effort.

I was thinking of all this because DH answered an online ad today to a woman looking for a couple to have fun with. An ongoing thing. I think this would be terrific. Something I've been wanting to explore for a while. I did attempt a connection that didn't work out, but after that fizzled attempt I stopped trying. Not because I didn't want to find a connection, but because I didn't want to expend the effort. And then if I did expend the effort to make the connection, that would require even more effort to plan play dates, time spent getting to know each other and talking things through with DH.

I have read blogs where people really enjoy being in this type of lifestyle. Frankly, I think it would suit me. It sounds like fun. However, I am completely and utterly fulfilled by DH and our current lifestyle.

So all of this begs the question: Is it worth the effort?

I suppose we shall see.

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