Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Couple Small Steps

We’ve gotten a number of comments on the picture I took of Dee (to be honest, more people have commented on it than I would have guessed even knew this blog existed – so welcome all!). I really don’t know anything about this whole HNT thing (or the TMI thing, or any other thing, for that matter!) – I thought it was just post a picture and there you are, but Dee tells me there’s a whole website-linking-networking thing going on. If that’s true, I’ll leave all the paperwork to her… she’s better at that than I am. I just like getting Dee naked, and taking pictures is a little bonus. :)

That being said, I find it kind of ironic that Dee has spent time learning all these things – literally doing research on blogging… what blogs are really good, what the protocols are (for things like HNT), etc. And yet, I’ve had to bribe her with sex, and practically beg her (playing the devoted spouse card) just to get her to post!

Ah, well. I’m not really complaining. The trouble is, reading a post from her sure beats actually paying attention to my inbox. If I had my way, she’d probably have to post ten times a day or something.

In Dee’s last post, she referred to a comment I made – fatigue is the #1 hurdle to having fun (which, by the way, was a comment I made on my other blog, not on this one) – and I stand by that statement. As to Dee’s own comments on the subject, I’m not sure if she was expressing a concern, a complaint, disappointment, or simple observation, but for myself, I can only say this: every relationship is cyclical, and there will be times when things are hot and heavy, and times when things aren’t.

In spite of what Dee might say, the truth is, I tend to take things in stride, and accept what comes. When things are going well (in that hot-and-heavy sense), I’m happy and satisfied, but when they’re not, I still feel the same, and feel no urgency to “fix” things and “make” them hot-and-heavy again. I realize that Dee gets frustrated by this because, when things are in a lull, she wants me to take the lead and turn it up again, and (from her perspective) my unconcerned contentment and acceptance of the status quo probably seems like a complete lack of desire.

I’m working on changing, one step at a time, to be more proactive in moving things forward in terms of our explorations. I’ve responded to a personals ad (and will do so again when the opportunity arises). I’ve nudged us into participating in HNT (it didn’t take any convincing, but one of us had to say “let’s do this!”). I’ve tried to be a touch more aggressive in getting things started in the evening. I’ve made a specific request for Saturday night (we’re celebrating Valentine’s Day a week late, and at my request Dee will be cleanly shaven… yummy!).

This year started out in a bit of a lull, though we’ve had a couple of weeks when activity has spiked, and I think the fact that we’re both a bit more tired than usual has played a role. Still, in the past week, we’ve had sex more often than not (yet it appears that the absences seem to stick in Dee’s mind most -- *sigh*). But lull or no, I don’t agree with Dee that going to bed earlier would make much of a difference – for example, lately we have been going to bed at the usual time (or even later!), and we’ve still had plenty of VERY entertaining evenings.

Now I just have to get her to write about them! ;)

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