Monday, March 9, 2009

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

One busy week down, three more busy weeks to go. And the new month starts it all over again. Let me just say that busyness definitely puts a kink into my sex life. And not in a good way.

However, there is one teeny tiny benefit. Friday night, I had a glass...ok a LARGE glass...of wine. There was no obligation, no place to be, until 10 am the next morning. We cuddled on the couch, played with our phones, just hung out. Finished watching a tv show even though it put us past our bedtime. As I got ready for bed, checking items off the chart, and planning ahead for the weekend, I realized just how incredibly exhausted I was.

I crawled into bed next to DH and snuggled in next to him. My favorite place to be, inhaling his scent, caressing his body. He doesn't like kisses, but often I annoy the hell out of him by kissing his shoulder, his cheek, anything until I can get my lips on his. Which I succeeded in doing on Friday night. Kissing his lips over and over until I could have just come on the spot. His lips found their way down my body, his tongue swirling around my nipple and his teeth scraping me until I was writhing. Down further still until he was kissing my belly and then, finally, he was kissing the mound below my belly button. His tongue flicked into the very start of my slit, which feels so delicious. His tongue swirled around and around my clit, and then he used a broad stroke up and down my very wet pussy until I ordered him to just come and fuck me. Which he did.

As we moved together, kissing and touching and breathing, I felt such an incredible sense of peace come over me. And of coming home. I have missed our lovemaking, our loving, our touching and kissing and connecting. I hate when our days are so busy that our nights are reserved for sleep and nothing else.

But it's almost worth it when that sense of calm comes over me, just before I ride the wave of orgasm that inevitably follows. Best orgasms ever.

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