Friday, March 6, 2009

A Direct Response, and Other Stuff

Several recently posted comments have prodded thoughts out of my addled brain (in a “I really should mention…” or “I really should post something about…” kind of way), so I suppose this first paragraph or two can be seen as a direct response to some comments made… :)

I can’t speak for Dee, but for myself, I do 99.9% of my blog-following through Google reader while I’m sitting at my desk at work. Now, I don’t believe that having certain URL names on my company server history would be a positive move, so I’ve never once tried to drop a comment on someone else’s blog (though I’ve been tempted to!) – can you even do that through the Reader? The fact that Hubman is surprised to find I'm here, and following him, too, isn’t really a surprise to me. After all, how could he and Another Suburban Mom possibly know I’m here when I’m merely sitting silently in the corner… which is, coincidentally, my usual tack in person, too.

Still, these comments have brought to my mind another interesting thought to consider… how something as simple as my Internet habits (where I surf, how I surf, etc.) can limit or influence my level of interaction and participation in the broader world in which our horizons are supposed to be expanding into. The thought is percolating down there in the boiler room… so maybe something will come of it later on.

(And, yes – Hubman, I will try to coax Dee into updating the link as soon as we find the time - she’s the computer wiz in our household, not I!)…

…but speaking of finding the time…

I wrote yesterday about the crazy, fatiguing, busy week we’ve had, and today is no different. In fact, as I’ve composed these sentences, I’ve also been on the phone with a variety of people, and gone back and forth between this and several other work related items. Today is, again, a busy one, and I really shouldn’t be taking time to post, but as I’ve said before, I’ve decided to make this, at least, a priority. So here I am.

I recently sent Dee an email that said “(1) Pick a number between 1 and 10, and (2) Pick a day of the week” as part of the games we play. The idea behind these directions was to have her (blindly) fill in the blanks for the following instructions: “You are required to give me ____ orgasms by next week ________.”

The thing of it is, I’ve really been that busy at work, which means that by the time I get home, I have little interest or energy in anything else. Even doing the dishes has become a seriously onerous chore. In fact, when I received Dee’s responses (5, and Friday), and emailed her the instructions, with blanks filled in, my first thought was “Great grief… when are we going to fit that in?”

At this point, I’d really like to walk into my boss's office, slap him upside the head, and snarl, “Dude, do you REALIZE you’re fucking up my sex life?”

(For reasons best left unsaid, the current situation is entirely his fault!)

At least I can get a smile from imagining the look on his face. :)


Hubman said...

Hey, I just made my comment on your other post because I was tickled to stumble across another reader :-)

I too do a lot of my blog reading in Google Reader while at work, for the same reasons you do. That, and some are blocked by network filters, but I can still read them in Reader. If there is a post I want to comment on, I mark it as unread and come back to it when I get home.

I like the number and day game. Could be a fun way to add a new element to our sex life!

Daring Husband said...

The Number-and-Day thing only works the one time, though. But it's fun to keep coming up with new games. :)