Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Non-HNT Thursday...

Once again we didn’t post a HNT pic, for a number of reasons – Dee has spent the last couple of days feeling flat-on-her-back sick, I’ve been busy as hell at work (still… but the light at the end of that tunnel is very close now, I think), and Dee is departing for Vegas today, so packing and preparing for that was a priority. Still, the failure has me feeling somewhat schmuck-ish. The best I can do is promise to make up for it later… there’s a couple of particularly interesting photograph ideas I’d like to see if we can pull off, but those are for a later date, when we have a little bit of time to devote to the enterprise, and standing up and moving about doesn’t make Dee want to throw up.

Starting today I’ll be wifeless for a while (until Monday night, that is). I meant to dream up something creative, an assignment or dare which Dee would have to perform while in Vegas, but I never got around to that. I’m not sure it matters anyways, as the woman has bought new clothes, can’t sleep, performed some additional primping, and clearly has plans for the weekend already.

I toyed with the idea of requesting she do the same for me, but since I have the kiddo, and am not a very daring person anyways (and she was apparently as busy as I’ve been), I never settled on whether or not I would make that request, either. Overall I’ve not been terribly motivated and quite under-energized. I’ve even tried things like Zip-Fizz, Emergen-C Energy Boost, etc., but didn’t really see all that much in the results column. Coffee still works, but whoever makes the coffee at my firm is… untalented in the undertaking.

Poor Dee has had to spend the last two weeks enduring a spouse who either drops off the instant we get in bed, or approaches sex with an air of “oh… all right, I guess…” I think it might be a bad sign when, after the fact, my wife’s reaction to my efforts is an appreciate “thank you” – as if I’ve performed a kindly act that I’ve neglected to attend to for far too long. I'm truly hoping that I'll come out of the work-tunnel by the end of the week, gather some rest over the weekend, and return to the land of the living by the time Dee returns home.

I do plan to spend the weekend applying what little electronic knowledge I have, and attempt to set up a Google Alert for HNT (as Animalmindreader advised in a comment earlier this week), and I’ll probably post here (and on my other blog) a time or three, as well…

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