Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My retort

DH is a writer. He writes books.

I am a reader. Though beyond 9 year old literary choices, I haven't been able to read a book in years. Except blogs. I have my Google reader set up nicely, so that I always have a tidbit or two to read each day. The computer equivalent of a fashion magazine.

First, for me, it takes days to think up a subject for a post, formulate what I want to say in it, and then type it out, edit, polish, and finally publish.

Second, posting daily about how your wife doesn't post and how tiring life is, does not count as sexually adventuresome. In fact, I don't think it should even count as posting.

Third, as we all know, when something is made into an obligation, it becomes a chore and infinitely less enjoyable. And when someone is nagged constantly about their lack of meeting even a low expectation, it makes it that much harder to WANT to do the thing in the first place.

That said, I will now post...

1 comment:

Another Suburban Mom said...

You go girl! Blogging should be fun and not a chore.