Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Birthday wishes

After we were finished eating, an MC appeared and made some announcements. One of which was that everyone who had a birthday should come to the center of the dance floor for birthday wishes. Jane had mentioned this practice to me, and told me that it was a good way to break the ice. However, I wasn't prepared for being the only two people out there (our birthdays are a week apart). So the MC graciously invited to other people to come up so that we weren't the only ones and soon there were three lines formed, in front of everyone but me! During orientation, the owner reminded us that this experience is whatever you make of it. If you sit in the corner and look unapproachable, people will leave you alone! I know this, but it was good to hear. Unfortunately, it's not easy to change our habits. Jane, knowing me and my shy nature, sat on my lap and gave me several kisses before moving on to DH. After her, I welcomed an older gentleman who gave me a really wet kiss, as if he licked his lips just before kissing me. Ick. After that several ladies approached, all older, one with rotten teeth, and I am sure I gave off the vibe that I didn't want to be touched, because they didn't. The welcome was over and DH and I returned to our table and the MC had a young girl draw tickets out of a fish bowl. We both won prizes, one of which was a free weekend party.

The MC made a couple more announcements and then the band took over for dancing. Our group decided to go outside for another cigarette. We had a nice conversation. By this time, I had almost a full bottle of wine, and was pretty toasted. The conversation was good, but I don't remember it being all that erotic or exciting. Everyone decided to go in, and we followed.

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