Thursday, October 16, 2008

Finally... The Decision

First… to the Daree: Picking all three is a cop out. If I did that, you’d roll your eyes until they rattled. :)

Also: Note for the record that I was right: vaginal, man-on-top… Dee’s pick for a favorite. Do I know the woman, or what?

I began this whole train of thought with a question -- Which do you prefer: oral, anal, or vaginal… and why? – and the commitment to answer this question, naming my preference without waffling. I promised I wouldn’t wimp out and with a lame, non-committal cliché. Depending on how you look at it, I’ve either been trying to answer this question for about two weeks, or since puberty.

Dee frequently puts me on the spot (at that most inopportune time), asking me what I want … and I’m always honestly stumped by the question, mostly because it forces me to pick one thing. Her intention, of course, is coax me into providing direction, and getting the opportunity to give me what I want. If I were being honest, the answer would either be “I want to get you off” or “I want a little bit of everything, all at once.” The former is doable, but really doesn’t answer her question as posed, and the latter just annoys her – it’s impossible to do everything at once, and the answer itself is a cop-out.

So, really, this day is something Dee has probably been waiting for – I’m actually going to pick something.

As I’ve tried to answer this question over the past two weeks, I’ve thought about each choice logically, intellectually, cerebrally. I’ve physically experienced all three (not purposely… it just happened that way). I’ve tried just letting go and seeing if my horniness consistently leads me in one direction or another. I’ve gone back and forth, settling on one answer, and then another, and then another. I’ve filled Dee’s pussy and thought, “This has GOT to be my choice.” I’ve read Dee’s emails, telling me she’s going to spend the whole evening sucking my cock, and thought “Ok… I’m definitely picking oral.” I’ve typed up my thoughts on anal sex, and thought “What the fuck?... Now I think I’ve got to pick this one.”

And even as I type this, I still have no idea what my answer is. So I’m going to go and eat lunch, and then answer when I come back…

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