Friday, October 31, 2008

The 60 Day Review

As we may have alluded to in earlier posts, Dee and I have established a set of rules that were intended to enhance our sex lives (in terms of variety, frequency, etc.), and – potentially, down the road – govern our explorations and interactions with each other and even with others. We put these rules into effect in September, so they’ve been in place for two months now. At the end of each month, I typically go back and kind of review those rules, and reflect upon how the month lived up (or didn’t live up) to the spirit of those rules.

In September, the rules had their desired positive effect… at least in terms of their influence on our sex lives. We had sex more often, somewhat more creatively, in more locations about the house, and with the occasional inclusion of a few accessories. Although September wasn’t filled with mindblowing adventure, these things were all steps forward for us, and so it is clear the rules were aiding us in taking the very first steps to broaden our sexual horizons.

October, however, wasn’t as good a month for us. I wouldn’t classify things as having “backslid,” as we still had our fair share of sex, but that sex was more… um… “routine” isn’t the word – and Dee, don’t give me shit for typing it – but I’m not sure there is an accurate descriptive word for it. It was fun sex, and good sex, but while Dee did have her one foray (the story of which she told), these rules didn’t really press us to expand our horizons any further.

It definitely didn’t help that I spent a number of days pondering some thoughts on my mind – and when I tend to give deep thought to a concern, I tend to go “inside myself” and Dee gets stuck dealing with a guy who seems withdrawn and unresponsive.

These things also led to the lack of any juicy stories here in this blog… not that there really has been since its inception. I think part of the idea (from both our points of view) in having both the rules and the blog was to encourage us to talk (which it has) and actually take action to have some new experiences (which it hasn’t, really… at least not yet).

Anyhow, tonight is Halloween, and our house is going to be filled with children (the two women in my life are throwing a party…), so I can already say for sure that there won’t be any juicy stories this month either. But there’s always hope November (or even beyond that), and our rules and our blog remain, as always, a work in progress.

Overall, things have progressed pretty well. When I compare where we are with where we were say… 15 months ago, the changes we’ve made are obvious, and significant.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I think you're both doing very well! Dee's adventure was a big step - not all adventures are perfect, but just managing to have any adventure is a real accomplishment while trying to juggle work, kids, and all the rest.